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Client: Hop Skip Media

About Client: Founded by Ameet K, Hop Skip Media is a specialized PPC (Pay-Per-Click) consulting agency based in Edmonton. The agency emphasizes improving digital ad campaign results for businesses struggling with online advertising. Their approach is data-driven, closely monitoring campaign performance to uncover insights for business growth. They value open, consistent, and transparent communication, ensuring clients are well-informed and not handed off to overworked account managers. By focusing solely on PPC, Hop Skip Media aims to optimize clients' marketing budgets, steering clear of the generalized marketing solutions that often fall short of expectations

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  1. Manual Lead Nurturing Process

    Initially, Hop Skip Media was manually managing leads from Facebook campaigns. The manual entry of leads into their CRM, Email, and SMS nurturing flows was time-consuming and prone to errors, causing some leads to be neglected.

  2. Inefficient Tracking of Leads

    Despite the influx of leads, the lack of a comprehensive platform for tracking leads through various sales stages led to potential clients being overlooked due to inefficient tracking structures in their sales process.

  3. Aims to Decrease Churn Rates

    Though Hop Skip Media had a churn rate below the industry standard of 5-7%, there was a desire to further reduce this rate. One of the most beautiful things about owning an agency is the long-term relationships you build with clients - but this is also one of the hardest things to attain - especially at scale.

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  1. Completely Automated Lead Nurturing Process

    The first thing we did was completely automate their lead nurturing process. We set up a series of automations and triggers that automatically added leads to their relevant flows, updated the CRM, and notified their sales team when necessary. This automation ensured timely follow-ups, proposal creations, and significantly reduced the delay in the sales process, allowing for a more efficient lead management system.

  2. Custom CRM build-out

    Something that we build out for all clients is a completely customised CRM within Notion which facilitates a clear visualization of all their different leads within their relevant sale stages and their existing clients and their relevant information. The transition to the new CRM streamlined operations and saved significant time during sales interactions.

  3. Employment of Retention Automations.

    Now Hop Skip Media churn rate was not bad at all, especially for the amount of client they were dealing with. We deployed retention automations over two weeks to gather client feedback and celebrate client anniversaries. These measures are aimed at enhancing client relationships and reducing churn rates further.

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